Plenty of Snow Remains for making Snowmen
Flagstaff, AZ - The Arizona Snowbowl will be opening for summer operations on Saturday, May 29, 2010. The Scenic Skyride will begin daily operations from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The Peak Side Café will be open for lunch or a refreshing beverage.
Boasting the best views of the vast San Francisco Peaks volcanic field and beyond to the Grand Canyon, the spectacular Scenic Skyride rises from the fragrant ponderosa pine forest every day through the Labor Day weekend. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, Interpretive Rangers will be stationed at the top of the Skyride providing interpretive talks about the history and geology of the area. Attending one of these presentations is a wonderful educational experience.
"We are excited to get summer operations started and the Skyride is always a great adventure for the entire family. Now that it is starting to warm up, this is the perfect way to cool down. We still have plenty of snow at the top and I'm sure you will see people making snowmen or having a fun snowball fight for the next few weeks," states Dave Smith, Snowbowl's Marketing Director.