Telluride, CO - Telluride Ski Resort announced today that it is canceling its backcountry guide program in the Bear Creek drainage, which is located immediately east of the ski area. The resort cited a lack of alignment with private owners of mining claims in the drainage.
The Resort was originally encouraged by the U.S. Forest Service to provide a guide service to help manage the growing use of the backcountry area.
"Telluride Ski Resort believed it was providing a much needed public service which would help people learn to safely navigate the area," said Resort CEO Dave Riley. "However, certain owners of mining claims, Irene West, Tom Chapman, and Ron Curry, have not accepted our offer to provide insurance and indemnification agreements in return for access privileges across their property."
Despite numerous attempts to reach out to the private land owners, the Ski Resort was unable to get a response. "They literally would not return emails or agree to get together to discuss a solution", said Riley.
The Ski Resort contends that the Chapman mining claims don't cause a barrier to fall line skiing in Bear Creek, but the West mining claim does create a barrier as there is no way to travel down through the drainage from the upper basin to the lower terrain without crossing the West property.
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