Highmount, NY - With summer days dwindling in number and fall at our doorstep, there are many of you out there starting to think of winter and what
Belleayre has in store for you. The process of moving from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to the New York Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) is not as easy as some might think. And, as I have read and as I have heard, there are some that are nervous about what is in store for them as pass holders. I would like to put your minds
at ease.
As most of you know, ORDA operates multiple recreational and sporting facilities, two of which are Gore and Whiteface. Since 1982 we have gathered experience in dealing with the ebbs and flows of operating these unique mountains. We intend to use that experience to move Belleayre forward and to meld it into our fold. We realize that Belleayre is different in how it operates and what it offers, just as we understand the differences between Gore and Whiteface. We will use this winter to gain more knowledge and to utilize the vast experience that the Belleayre staff has to offer to help us propel it forward.
Will there be differences in how ORDA plans to operate Belleayre and how it operated in the past? Yes. Will there be similarities in programming and operations that have previously existed at Belleayre moving forward? Yes there will be. The Governor’s commission asked ORDA to take over management of Belleayre for many reasons, but the primary motivation behind the change is that we are in the business of running ski areas and there are efficiencies that can be realized through this merger. With a focus on recreation and passion for the ski industry, we are looking to bring Belleayre and the surrounding communities even more success in the future. For this to happen, we will need your support and are listening to your feedback. We are looking forward to working with Belleayre’s knowledgeable staff and coordinating with other ski areas to build recognition for all of the fabulous offerings in the Catskills region.
In addition to using the knowledge of Belleayre's staff, please form a committee of long-time season pass holders, as well as BMRA members, to help you with your plans for Belleayre.