April 6, 2011

Sugar Bowl Extends Season to May 1st

Norden, CA - Due to the season's incredible snowfall and continued great conditions, Sugar Bowl Resort has decided to extend its season to Sunday, May 1st. 2011/2012 Season Passes are now on sale and offer free skiing and riding through closing day of the 10/11 season. Additional pass perks include 25,000 bonus CORE points when purchasing pass by June 1st, free rentals (ages 3 and up) and free lessons (ages 4 on up) on all General Admission Days (every day for the remainder of the 10/11 season), and $50 off passes when current passholders use 50,000 CORE points from their 10/11 account. The Lodge at Sugar Bowl, the Dining Room and the Gondola will close as previously scheduled on April 24th.

Spring at Sugar Bowl offers additional CORE Appreciation Days on April 16 & 19th with $39 lift tickets for Daily CORE Pass holders, and Easter weekend festivities including a Golden Egg Hunt and live music on the Mt Judah Lodge deck.

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