Highmount, NY - When Belleayre Beach opened for the summer of 2010 Memorial Day Weekend as it has every year since 1993, one thing was different; the record setting crowds that showed up to enjoy the facility. Stellar Memorial Day Weekend weather led to a record setting Sunday when almost 700 people came out to swim, boat, fish, hike, picnic and just lounge around the well manicured park in Pine Hill at the base of Belleayre Mountain. The Belleayre day use area offers facility amenities such as a white-sand swimming beach, kayak and paddle boat rentals, BBQ facilities and rentable pavilions with electricity and grills for private parties, reunions and other gatherings.
The Belleayre Beach at Pine Hill Lake opens full-time for the season on Saturday, June 19; weekend hours are from 10am- 7:30pm and weekday hours are from 10am – 6pm. This is the third year that the Red Cross Certified Aqua School at Belleayre Beach will be selling aquatics programming for children and adults. Be sure to visit Belleayre's website for class and specialty workshop listings; registration is currently open. On weekends Eco-Adventures are scheduled throughout the summer, offering local nature activities free of charge to all guests such as making walking sticks, informative talks about nature, the Junior Naturalist Program for Kids and more. The Junior Naturalist animal of the year is the snapping turtle and all graduates of the program receive a patch with a snapping turtle on it. Come and discover what a hidden gem this park is. The cost to enter the day use area is $8 per carload and $20 per bus. Swimming, boating, fishing, picnics and beach games are all affordable summer fun for the whole family!
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