Deer Valley, UT - Deer Valley’s Summer Adventure Camp, for children two months to 12 years of age, will open Monday, June 7, 2010. Kids may attend daily, weekly or for the entire summer season. Campers will participate in an array of activities designed to ensure they are creatively challenged and entertained. The eleven-week program is filled with arts, crafts, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, team-oriented sporting events, weekly field trips and many more age-appropriate activities. Campers also participate in a bi-weekly community service project, the Summer Adventure Volunteer Effort (SAVE).
Monday through Friday, beginning June 7 through August 20, 2010 (excluding Monday, July 5 and Friday, July 23). Camp hours are from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with organized activities from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
PWSSC Staff represent their work at AMSS
On Monday January 22, Prince William Sound Science Center staff will join
over 700 scientists, educators, resource managers, students, and members of
the p...
7 years ago
It is really nice work to nourish children in best way. Through such events we can give them best physic & environment as well. I am also looking such places where some thing is going activities of best physics. I have obtain a decent information form Hank Freid about such resorts