Lakewood, CO - Olympic Gold Medal winner Bode Miller will serve as an Ambassador for Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month (LSSM) organizers announced today. Miller is sponsored by HEAD Ski Company, also a sponsor for LSSM. He joins famous extreme skier, Glen Plake as an Ambassador for LSSM.
Miller is the most decorated U.S. Skier of all time. He is a five-time Olympic medalist: Gold (Combined), Silver (SuperG), and Bronze (Downhill) in Vancouver 2010; Silver (Combined) and Silver (Giant Slalom) in Salt Lake City 2002. Bode has two overall World Cup Titles (2004-05 & 2007-08); four Discipline Titles: Giant Slalom in 2003-04, SuperG in 2004-05, SuperG in 2006-07; and Super Combined in 2007-08.
Overall, Bode has 32 career World Cup wins and ranks seventh with most wins in Alpine Skiing history among males. He has the most World Cup wins in the history of American alpine ski racing - with four World Championship Gold Medals in Downhill, Super G, Combined, and Giant Slalom. He is one of only two men to win a World Cup race in all four disciplines in a single season (Downhill, Super G, Slalom, and Giant Slalom). Bode holds the record for most consecutive races skied – 136 (March 2002 – Jan. 2006).
Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month (LSSM) is a national initiative in the U.S. to encourage children and adults to get out on the snow during January and take lessons from a professional instructor. More than 300 resorts throughout the U.S. are offering free or affordable programs directed to beginners and those with some experience.
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