Vision 2025 Survey Results Posted On-line
Telluride, CO - Telluride Ski Resort has launched a new website, TellurideVision2025.com, in order to engage and inform the public about their process of creating a new Master Development Plan (MDP) for the popular ski area in southwest Colorado.
Five public meetings have been held, where hundreds of people attended and filled out questionnaires after hearing a presentation about expansion ideas from the ski resort CEO, Dave Riley. Two meetings were also held with the Telluride middle school and high school students to get their feedback about the resort's future.
Two on-line surveys were conducted this year, one which listed dozens of potential future projects at the ski resort, and one which focused solely on the potential Delta Bowl Lift and terrain expansion. The new website illustrates the results of those surveys.
"We're very pleased with the amount of participation in the Vision2025 planning process," said Riley. "People from all around the country and the world, as well as a large number of locals, have filled out the surveys and attended the meetings."
The Delta Bowl Lift survey results indicate a strong majority of people that want to see the ski company include the project in the final MDP. Eighty-four percent of the people who filled out the Delta Bowl Lift survey said they support the lift and associated terrain expansion, 10 percent said they did not support the project, and five percent were neutral. "I'm a little surprised that the results were so heavily weighted in favor of the Delta Bowl Lift and terrain expansion. I know that lots of people are in favor of the project, but never guessed that it was so overwhelmingly supported. It's now clear to us that the project is important and has strong support from the public," said Riley.
Survey results show that several other projects are important, such as additional gladed and developed ski runs, more small restaurants, zip lines, and summer trails.
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